Having a baby is a precious time, and when you bring your newborn into the world, you want to ensure they are healthy and comfortable. That’s why the first prenatal visit in Joliet, IL, is so important. You should schedule several visits during your baby’s first year. At Joliet Pediatrics, Dr. Sherahsan K. Niazi and Dr. Mark Joseph Brinkman will conduct a thorough examination of your little one and answer any questions you may have.

What to Expect at a Prenatal Visit in Joliet, IL

You should plan to take your baby in for their first visit to the pediatrician just a few days after birth. The pediatrician will evaluate your baby’s condition to ensure they are healthy. During this visit, the doctor will measure your baby’s weight, length, and vital signs, such as heart and respiratory rate. These same checks will be conducted during follow-up visits to monitor your baby’s growth and development.

During your first visit, it’s important to ask the doctor any questions you may have. If you are a new parent, you may wonder how your child will sleep or how to create the ideal comfortable environment. Expect to feed your baby regularly, every few hours, during the first few months. If you have any issues with feeding, whether breastfeeding or formula feeding, your doctor can provide guidance and suggestions.

Why These Visits Matter

Children grow quickly, and a baby’s immune system is fragile. It’s crucial for your doctor to start administering vaccines early to protect your child from harmful diseases. Staying on top of your child’s vaccine schedule helps prevent illnesses like polio, rotavirus, hepatitis A and B, COVID-19, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), tetanus, and more.

Your child should reach certain developmental milestones at various ages, which your doctors will track from birth. For example, by four months, your baby should be smiling, and by six months, they should be sitting up on their own. If your baby shows any signs of developmental delays, these visits are essential for initiating early intervention.

Contact Joliet Pediatrics in Joliet, IL

Dr. Niazi and Dr. Brinkman are dedicated doctors who will care for your baby at every prenatal visit in Joliet, IL. From the first visit to all follow-up appointments, you can rest assured that your child will be in good hands. You have a professional team that will monitor your child’s development and provide the necessary recommendations for their care. To learn more and schedule an appointment, call Joliet Pediatrics today at (815) 513-0664.

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View the KidsDoc Symptom Checker from HealthyChildren.org

Choosing a pediatrician is an important and personal decision and we want you to feel at ease with the care you and your child will receive.